(330) 800-9090 rthg@robthehouseguy.com

Rob The House Guy has been involved in more than 1000 real estate investment deals over the past two decades. His approach on finding, funding and turning properties into income producing assets is what makes him one of the most sought after Real estate investment consultants in America.

Making money in Real Estate is the easy part, not loosing it is where things can get tricky. When you feel like you have a real estate problem that you feel is impossible to solve, that is when you need The House Guy.

Rob The House Guy has been involved in more than 1000 real estate investment deals over the past two decades. His approach on finding, funding and turning properties into income producing assets is what makes him one of the most sought after Real estate investment consultants in America.

Making money in Real Estate is the easy part, not losing it is where things can get tricky. When you feel like you have a real estate problem that you feel is impossible to solve, that is when you need The House Guy.

About Rob the House Guy:


Hey I’m “Rob The House Guy” Gillespie,

This is the part that you work to start reading about all of the wonderful accomplishments that I have in life, all the degrees that I have and all of the awards that I have won. However I thought it would be better if I told you what I can and cannot do it for you.

My name is Rob Gillespie and it is the circles and on the web I am known as the House Guy. This is simply because that is what I do. I’ve been involved in real estate for over 20 years during the isles with houses, once in a while doing something commercial, but primarily everything to do with houses.

I am 44 years old I am married to Grace and have two beautiful children, George and Olivia. We have two dogs that are brother and sister they go absolutely everywhere with us, named Bo and Shelby, and we have our cat named kitty kitty that commands more attention then the kids and dogs combined!

You’re probably wondering,

Is this guy worth my time and attention?

Quite honestly for most of the people reading this the answer is NO

Here’s why:


I can not help you get rich quick.


If you have ever looked at a facebook ad for real estate, it is flooded with the idea of
overnight success! Private Jets, Bentleys, Yachts, etc….

I get it. Everyone gets the same excitement and feeling when we see those things.

It looks like easy money and you will be buying and selling properties every
week…..on autopilot

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but it is not quite that simple.

I do close deals consistently and it creates a nice revenue stream, heck it even works
on autopilot to an extent. What you don’t see, is the tons of work, frustration and
perseverance it took to get me to this point.
…And it STILL takes a ton of work to keep it all running.
So if you are not prepared to commit to 10x more effort than you are expecting, then
I am probably not the guy you want to work with.


If you don’t want to make or take calls or write checks to invest into deals, then you and I are probably not going to have a lot of business to do together.


No, this is not a pitch for money or asking you to come to work for me, but this is why I’m telling you this.

As I mentioned earlier, so many of the commercials on TV or the web show real estate investors sitting on a yacht making money without any work or effort. Although this is partially true, myself along with many of my friends enjoy passive income and get deals handed to us without marketing and making a ton of calls, there was a lot of underlying work and connections to get us there.

So there is not money to be made in Real Estate ?

Of course there is, but you need to bring something to the table. I have not met anyone in this business that does not have something to offer. For some it is money, for others it is marketing and making offers.

If I were to work with you and you are not willing to spend any money or do any work, It would be better for me to just write you a check to get out of my way and let me go to work and get a deal done.

In a nutshell, I am looking for Actioneers, not Wantrepreneurs

Are you still here? GOOD!

Here is what you can expect from me

Methods that I implement daily in my own business to find, finance and flip deals and ways that you can implement them in your own business to help you get an edge on all of your competition… which are usually followed by:

Pitches to work with me one on one or an offer to buy a real estate investment from me.
Can you believe I just told you flat out that I was going to pitch you to do business with me?
Well, why wouldn’t I tell you?

Remember, I make my money by doing deals, not selling home study courses. I would be crazy not to offer you a deal that I have available! This is what I do and what any TRUE investor should be doing all of the time!

However… I always give away better stuff than most of the “gurus” are charging for. Everything you get from me is implementable immediately in your own business to help you get results FAST!

Here is what I will help you with specifically


My main focus is to help grow your real estate business as quickly as possible.

You may need help taking action on that first deal. You may need help raising money, or you may not even know how to analyze a deal at all.

The one thing I do know is that you are not looking for a home study course because you want to have another book and set of CDS on your bookshelf, You want to be in the game! Just like nobody ever buys a treadmill because they want a clunky machine in their bedroom… they want a better body!

My goal is to show you the fastest way to the cash. To get you into the game and to help you strategize your plan for the ultimate experience!

Here is my first pitch to you:


Go to my home page and register for my weekly live cast.

If you like what ya here and find value in my show, subscribe to my YouTube channel and get notified when I go live.

If you want to see some of the off market deals I have available to add to your investment portfolio, then click here to get on my VIP Buyers list.

Thanks for taking the time to read a little
more about me, and I look forward to adding
you to my list of Actioneers that I work with!

Rob ”The House Guy” Gillespie
– Rob ”The House Guy” Gillespie